New Century Health Clinic
New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system. Background After completing the user interface, input, and output design for the new information system at New Century, you will consider data design issues. Begin by studying the DFDs and object-oriented diagrams you prepared previously and the rest of the documentation from the systems analysis phase. Perform the following tasks: Assignments 1. Create an initial entity-relationship diagram for the New Century Health Clinic system. 2. Normalize your table designs PATIENT ( PATIENT_NUMBER , PATIENT FIRST NAME, PATIENT LAST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, HOUSEHOLD NUMBER, RELATIONSHIP CODE) APPOIN TMENT ( APPT NUMBER , PATIENT NUMBER, APPOINTMENT DATE, APPOIN TMENT TIME, PROVIDER NUMBER) APPT_SERVICE ( APPT_SERVICE_NUMBER , APPT NUMBER, CPT CODE, STATUS, FEE, EXPLANATION) PR...